
There are hundreds of small islands in the sea around Ireland. On the Aran Islands, in the west,most people speak Irish, not English.LIfe has changed very little here in a hundreds years.
Much of the north and weat of Island is very beautiful. There are hundreds of flowers in the green fields, and there are wonderful beaches and lakes(called 'loughs' in Ireland). The weather is warm and wet, with rain and sun nearly every day. But it is hard to farm here because of the rocks and mountains.(p.3)

This book is written many things about Irland.
For example, its history, culture, geography, language, government, and more.
Especially, I was so interested in story about national flag's design.
There is a red hand on the flag.
When you read this book, you'll be able to understand the reason why the hand is red color.
This story is a little scare and very historical.

I became to want to go there and you may be like me.
Irland has great nature, place, history and people.

How do you want to go there?
