want to go GU

Hello, I'm Yuka.

There is one thing I've wanted since two months ago.
It's a sports sandal.
I found them in a shop near here and they're 1990 yen.
They're selling white one, black one, and khaki one.
Only the white one was 990 yen because it has a little dirt.
I did't care the dirt and I considered whether buy it or not.
However, from the beginning, I wanted to buy the black one .
So I could't decided to buy cheap white one or expensive black one.

But, yesterday, my friend was wearing black one I want!!
I asked him where does he buy and he told me it bought at GU.
Also, it cost under 1500 yen!!

Hooray! I want to go and buy it!
I love GU!😻

Let's go GU!💑
But I everytime buy too much than I expected.
So I lost big money.(-_-;)
