The Goose that Laid The Golden Eggs

One morning he found something strange.
One of the eggs was dark yellow and very heavy.
At first tom thought it was a trick.
Elena was amazed.
It was a solid golden egg.
Tom took all the eggs to the village.
Then he went to see the goldsmith.
The goldsmith was amazed too. He wanted to buy the egg.
Tom had never seen so much money.(P.16-21)

Once a pone a time, there're poor couple but they had what they need.

One day, the husband found a golden egg one goose laid.
It brought him a big money and he bought a new dress for his wife.
Next day, the goose also laid a golden egg.
He changed to money and bought his cloth.
The goose laid it everyday, finally, they became rich.

Then, they wanted more money and thought the goose has golds inside...
Do you think whether they became rich or not?

This story tell you dangerous of becoming greedy .

I recommend you to read it by yourselves!
